Friday 2 December 2011


When I think of PowerPoint , I think of the main way that we receive our information through lectures.  I guess what I mean is that I had only really experienced Power Points as simply a way to relay information.  I have never realised that power points have so many add ons if you  like.  I never thought that a form of engagement of a presentation like this could be enhanced by embedding videos and audio and I never thought that a PowerPoint could be interactive.  This lead me in investigate this topic a little further and found the following interesting.
The next thing that I explored was the whole class interactivity tool- Mouse Mischief.  What a fantastic way to engage learners.  I immediately filed this tool as a possibility for me to use in my upcoming prac.
So even though I have been involved in viewing a high amount of PowerPoint presentations I feel that they are not overly engaging or interest holding.  Through exploration of this tool I have changed my mind considerably. 
In the learning context as a Learning Manager PowerPoint's can also be used as an assessment tool.  Learners could be asked to construct a PowerPoint as a form of not only displaying what they have learnt but as a peer teaching tool.

Ho, B. (n.d.). From using transparencies to using Powerpoint slides in the classroom. Retrieved from:

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