Monday 7 November 2011

Learning Styles

I have completed the questionnaire and obtained the results.  Wow after getting these results and reading the Felder and Soloman Learning Styles and Strategies reading I did not realise that the results would be so strong!   I am and knew that I was a Active learner and never really thought that I could help myself to become something different.  Even after finding this out I tried to be more reflective just with the material that I was reading for this module.  I have always found that to study for an exam I have written and rewritten the materials and basically learnt by rote.  I feel that this was why the results were so high for the section with regards to being a sensing learner.  This goes hand in hand with learning facts and linking the learning to doing hand on activities and therefore ties together the visual learning results that were also high . 

     ACT         X                                         REF
             11  9   7   5   3   1   1   3   5   7   9   11
      SEN  X                                                INT
             11  9   7   5   3   1   1   3   5   7   9   11

       VIS         X                                         VRB
            11  9   7   5   3   1   1   3   5   7   9   11

      SEQ                  X                                 GLO
           11  9   7   5   3   1   1   3   5   7   9   11

My multiple intelligences results

So.... My learning style is a combination between being a visual and a kinesthetic learner.  I find that the best experiences for myself are shown what the end result would look like and then being given the opportunity to gave ago. 

In a traditional classroom the support to learners need to be considered by carefully profiling the learners and considering their strengths and needs as well as their learning styles. Visual learners could be supported with the use of models to represent what is needed to be done.  Instructions could also be written for visual learners this way they can keep coming back to the task to affirm what is required.  They are not depending on  hearing the instructions and responding to them, even thought  the instructions are written they will be read out if this is for  a younger level of learners.  Written instructions will also assist learners with hearing impairments.  Audible learners will have instructions delivered clearly and concisely and the learners will be given opportunities to ask questions and participate in peer coaching, by peers answering questions and providing feedback.  Kinesthetic learners will benefit and participate in teacher led and join construction activities. It is vital for teachers to accommodate all learners in their class.  For this to occur teachers need to know how their learners learn best and how they remain interested.   If this occurs, and occurs successfully teachers will spent less of their valuable time on behaviour management, vital time that is learning time. Falk (1994) identifies "If our schools are to provide experiences for students that fire their spirits, identify and nurture their capacities as learners, and enable them to be independent thinkers, then new forms of teaching need to be developed that are solidly based on emerging understandings of how human beings engage in learning."

There are many resources available both on line and through CD roms etc that can be used to support to learners.  These can be of assistance due to the fact that they consider all learning styles.  Visually seeing the information and the instructions,  alot of instructions are auditory read as well, and examples are included for kinesthetic learners giving them the opportunity to do.  Such ideas include Webquests, Voki, Tux Paint, Powerpoint to add a view.

To  cater for my learners preferences I would need to ask the learners questions to be able to ensure that I was profiling them correctly and these would include questions such as:  Would you like the option to use computers and ICT's to complete your research?  Would you like to be able to submit your work electronically or in hard copy?  Would you find using ICT's would make it easier and more assessable to complete your work anywhere at any time?  Is this important to you?  Does time management play a part in your completion of tasks on time?  Would you like to be able to share your findings and research with class members and have them share theirs with you? 

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