Monday 14 November 2011

Reflection about TPACK framework

When reflecting about the TPACK framework what instantly comes to mind is the fact this is an incorporation of technology, pedagogy and content and together this underpins a positive approach to teaching and learning.
The implementation of this frameworks outlines the importance of effective teaching.  Teaching is effective when the subject content is delivered in a pedagogical manner that can aid learners to achieve maximum understanding and therefore success within the learning context.  Add  technology to the teaching context,  and this will enhances the lesson and the students knowledge in all areas, the actual subject (content), how to learn and internalise information (pedagogy) and methods of communicating the information (technology).
Without the technology we can consider the pedagogy and the content. These together with the technology emphasizes the new knowledge that can be learnt.  TPACK allows for the focus to be on the key needs for students to have positive outcomes by using ICT’s in the classroom.

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