Friday, 11 November 2011

21st Century Learners

When I think about today's learners, the learners of the 21st century, and lets face it I am one of them, I feel that the way in which we learn is no different to anything else in the world....when we want something we want it yesterday. Why should learning be any different. I know when I  am investigating or exploring or researching something new I want to come up with the results or the information nearly immediately.  I feel that this is not only due to the fact that  we know that we can find ideas and information a lot easier and quicker than ever before with the use of the technology that has evolved - what seems like overnight or is it the  fact that we are becoming time poor? Has all the technology made us this way?
Native learners are as Prensky (2001) suggests born with technology in their hands.  These learners can walk the technology walk and talk the technology talk.  Most of the time doing both together.  Is it when the technology immigrants appear in the picture that the engragement happens? Especially if these immigrants are the teachers teaching our digital natives.  As learning managers we need to be equally as savy about this technology as our learners and know when and how our learners are using this technology.
This is where the the learning theory comes in.  The learners in our classrooms today are going to be different for the learners from other generation, we are told this and we know this, it is obvious.  What is important to us is knowing what instigates our learners to learn, and learn well.  By learning well,  I mean they develop creative ways to think and critical ways to think.  They learn to pose questions, and to be inquiring and inquisive and to develop points of view and be able to back these points of views up. 
I feel that there is substance to the engage or enrage argument, however I feel that not all learners will become enraged as such.  Instead we will have learners that are not being taken to their potential and this is not what we want for them.  Not all learners will be high academic acheivers, however if we can have our learners engaged in our classrooms they will be acheiving.  This acheivement could be as simple as becoming more social within the learnng environment for the learner that is reluctant to participate in whole class or small group tasks.  This inturn is allowing the learner to be engaged and eventually the learning will occur.
This video clip is a totol of what I have come to understand.

Nesbil. B. (n.d.) A vision of k-12 students today. Retrieved from
Pensky, M. (2005). Engage me or enrage me: what today's learners demand. Retrieved from:

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